Which Vendor Knows the Best Way for Your Organization to Do Planning?

Press Release from Virtual Corporation

Having started as a consultancy twenty years ago, we learned that software tools should enable the planning process and not force the organization to adapt to the tool. You already know how best to implement planning within your organization, but you need a tool that enables that process and guarantees a high rate of adoption by your user community. We feel there are three keys to achieving this high adoption rate: make the tool simple, flexible, and adaptive.

Most tools were created by a vendor who felt they had a better way to approach business continuity, disaster recovery, crisis management, risk and emergency management, or other related disciplines. You already know the best way: it’s YOUR way. You have already defined an approach that “fits” your organization and is culturally appropriate. Using your terminology, concepts and algorithms, it addresses your regulatory requirements, level of granularity, reporting and metrics. Software should facilitate doing planning your way and start with standards-compliant, best practice templates.

Organizations and resilience programs are not static. As the creators of the Business Continuity Maturity Model®, we realize that each organization’s program maturity evolves. Congratulations! Management is more engaged as a result of what you’ve achieved in your program to date. Now they want more – enhanced granularity, more thoughtful analysis, or perhaps better alignment with regulatory changes. A tool based on a vendor’s vision of planning may be appropriate for you today, but will it be appropriate 3 years from now? There is a cycle within which organizations select a tool they think will meet their needs, but in 3 to 5 years that tool is no longer relevant, cannot adapt, and they are looking for another tool.

Do any of the following describe your situation?

  • You haven’t defined what Business Continuity “your way” looks like yet, but would like to hit the ground running with standards-compliant planning templates.
  • You have looked at all the tools and found nothing that meets your needs, so you are using MS Office. You get a headache every time the BIA, plans and reports have to be updated and aggregating data is almost impossible.
  • You have invested in a tool, but it no longer meets your needs. There are aspects of your plans you would like to take advantage of using a more user-friendly tool that will meet your needs now and in the future.

There is a way to simplify planning, improve reporting and inspire your users to provide their input with little or no training – a tool that is simple and can be used, modified and administered in a way that does not consume every waking moment. It can be easily changed to meet your changing environment and continue to do planning your way.

Do yourself and your business a favor. Contact   Virtual Corporation   for a demonstration of   Sustainable Planner ® or sign up for a webinar today.   www.theintelligentchoice.com



“I have worked with many continuity tools in my career and Sustainable Planner surpasses them all. Reporting, customizability and tech support is far superior to other tools.”
– Healthcare system client

“We provide very little training to the plan editors because usually they can log in with their user ID and password and complete the surveys without assistance. Sustainable Planner ease of use is a real time saver.”
– Large insurance client


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