Vista Recruiting Component

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Product Details

Vista Recruiting Component (Click to enlarge image) Vista Recruiting gives HR departments complete command over the entire hiring process for each department in every location while more easily tracking and controlling costs, improving applicant management, strengthening relationships with applicants, and reducing paperwork for the HR team.

Vista Recruiting enables you to keep your consistent employer branding and messaging to complement your corporate career center pages, while improving candidate engagement and streamlining the hiring process.

Some of the features include:
• Integrated HR & recruiting platform
• Manage from "recruit to hire"
• Requisition tools to plan, approve, promote, post, recruit, match
• Promote openings and lead applicants to a personalized job center from your corporate website
• Job Center gives applicants a way to record their information, attach documents, search for jobs, apply, learn more
• Mobile access for remote employees and managers
• Use criteria that you define to help recruiters easily categorize/rank applicants
• Filter applicants using questions that you define
• "Push” screened candidates to hiring managers with details to prepare for an interview
• Deploy the Hiring Manager portal
• Use industry-standard CSS files to personalize the Recruiting Portal and promote your corporate image to applicants
• Schedule and track interviews, offers, expenses
• Use “click to hire” to transfer all applicant/role data into the new hire wizard

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