Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training

Available from Global Competence Associates

Product Details

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training (Click to enlarge image) Our organization’s training roots are in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programming, which we call Diversity Perspectives™. The objectives of DEI parallel seamlessly with the research on global competence. However, instead of a global span, the DEI geographic scope can be scaled down to regional, national, or local, as desired. Global competence can serve as a framework for fresh, innovative, and holistic approaches to DEI through a knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) approach:

●Self-awareness, especially unconscious bias and the realization of potential gaps between personal preference compared with social norms or mores in a different setting
●Respectful and non-judgmental attitudes towards groups and individuals from diverse backgrounds;
●Knowledge or awareness of different views, values, issues, concerns, religions, societies, and ways of living;
●Adaptive and collaborative interpersonal skills that bridge various aspects of diversity to foster inclusivity.

Programs can be delivered independently or in conjunction with targeted Global Competence Aptitude Assessment (GCAA)® metrics in order to diagnose and prioritize personal and organizational DEI development program efforts. Regardless of whether or not you use an assessment, our preferred approach is to curate content and to customize programs in order to meet participant and client priorities and needs.

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