4Cs Employee Survey

Available from Insightlink Communications

Product Details

4Cs Employee Survey (Click to enlarge image) One of the hallmarks of Insightlink's services is our 4Cs Employee Survey, which includes both overall job satisfaction and a measure of employee engagement. We believe these together are essential indicators of performance for any organization. It's not just about engagement. Recent research shows that you need a more comprehensive approach in an employee survey to really understand employee attitudes and be able to take action to improve your workplace. The level of satisfaction that employees feel toward their jobs should be the foundation of any employee survey initiative.

1. A highly effective employee feedback survey that will tell you exactly where things stand in your organization. As part of your results, you'll see how many Committed Loyalists you have and what your Engagement Index is. This is what you need to create positive change.

2. A user-friendly system that will maximize employee participation - you just need to give us your email list and/or shipping instructions for hardcopy surveys.

3. Easy-to-read analysis that walks you through the results and points out both strengths and weaknesses so you can get your arms around the changes you need to make.

4. Accurate and reliable benchmarks at both a national and industry level so you can compare your performance against similar organizations. Find out more about our benchmark data.

5. Our invaluable 4Cs Workbook that will lead to effective Post Employee Survey Action Planning in your organization.

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