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Americans across the country are concerned about the levels of crime and safety in their towns and cities. In fact, a recent Gallup survey showed that 40% of Americans have fears about walking alone at night within a mile of their home–the highest since 1993, a year that was plagued by one of the worst crime waves in US history. Between 2022 and 2023–77% of Americans believe that crime is on the rise. Still, the problem of crime and violence is a very visible issue that spills over into the workplace, affecting HR departments and employees across the country. Between 2021 and 2022, there were more than 57,000 cases of nonfatal workplace assaults and 524 fatalities. In these cases, the most prevalent type of violence was hitting, kicking, beating, or shoving. This creates a challenging and dynamic issue for HR departments, especially in high-crime areas. As a result, the best defense for workplace crime and violence is creating a zero-tolerance policy for workplace violence.