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Bring Your Emotions to Work
We get it–it seems overwhelming and counterintuitive to allow yourself to bring your emotions to work! This training enhances emotional intelligence by giving a deeper understanding of the purpose of emotions and fundamental skills for their regulation. Participants will learn to interpret the messages conveyed by their emotions and leverage them to achieve workplace goals. Despite the initial resistance to bringing emotions to work, this training emphasizes that emotions are not controllable by a switch and are, in fact, valuable tools supporting individuals in their professional lives.
Session Details & Format
2 Hours
Virtual or In-Person
Unlimited Participants
Learning Objectives
Communicate the role and purpose emotions play at work.
Describe the flow of emotions and how they impact our internal and external responses.
Analyze differing responses to emotions and varied ways of applying emotion regulation skills.
Assess when and how to use these skills in specific workplace situations.
Skills & Core Concepts Addressed
Observing Emotions
Internal Awareness
Emotional Regulation
Presence & Engagement
Why this? Why now?
Emotions don’t belong in the workplace! At least that’s what we’re often conditioned to believe. The reality is, we all experience many emotions throughout the workday. If left unacknowledged, these emotions can cloud our judgment, create difficulties in completing tasks, and overwhelm us. Learning to understand and regulate our emotions can help us support ourselves and others so we can all put our best forward.
What is Artesian Collaborative’s approach to this issue?
We cannot simply turn off our emotions. Our therapists are uniquely equipped to help participants recognize how emotions show up in everyday workplace situations. We’ll work together to deepen our understanding of the process and flow of emotions and expand our skills to manage the emotions we’re experiencing in healthy ways.
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