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Millions of candidates rely on Glassdoor to find jobs and get an insider’s view of what it’s like at any particular company. Specifically, 48 million unique users visit Glassdoor’s mobile applications and website monthly*. And, according to Comscore, it’s the second largest job site in the US, yet many companies are still unsure what to do with Glassdoor. I’ve been a Glassdoor advocate from the start. First, when managing the employer brands for both eBay and Visa International, then, as head of employer brand for Glassdoor itself. Now, as a Senior Partner at consulting firm Employera, I regularly help companies optimize their paid and unpaid Glassdoor strategies for powerful recruiting results. I’ve learned some things along the way. In the following article, I share six ways to demystify Glassdoor and et to a smart strategy and measurable results, fast.