Executive Coaching Certification Program (ECCP)

Available from Institute of Organization Development

Product Details

Executive Coaching Certification Program (ECCP) (Click to enlarge image) Our online Executive Coaching Program offers participants an opportunity to earn certification in the field of Executive Coaching. Our program is recognized by ICF and participants earn 24 CCE credits toward ICF Certification. Participants learn how to develop a executive coaching strategy and design processes to build an internal coaching culture. During each session, participants gain valuable coaching techniques and skills to gain confidence and expertise as an executive coach. You will have access to over 300 learn coaching questions and coaching discussion guidelines to prepare and conduct coaching sessions. Each session provides the participant with tools and resources to manage their coaching engagement. Participants learn to identify the client's needs, use 360 feedback assessments, create development plans, set measurable goals, and conduct follow up coaching discussions. This is an 8-month coaching program meeting once per month and requires 30 hours of coaching practice. Please contact us for more information - [email protected]

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