Well-being Program Evaluations

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The best well-being programs continually mature, progress and adapt to stay relevant. But too often programs plateau, preventing employees from reaching their full potential.

Common Well-Being Program Challenges
When talking with employers, several clear challenges emerge.

-The program is simply not cutting it: It’s not meaningful, aligned with business objectives or impacting company culture.

-Incentives only go so far: They drive good interaction, but engagement has peaked, falling short of producing real behavior change or outcomes.

-No flexibility: Your program hasn’t grown and can’t reach or connect with diverse employee populations.

-Difficult to prove ROI or VOI: Unable to move beyond high-level measurement and demonstrate impact on healthcare costs, culture, productivity and retention.

To Move Up, take an honest look at what you offer. Next, schedule a virtual assessment with our team, who will provide strategic insights to elevate your program- no strings attached.

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