The Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) reminds all travelers what to expect at the border crossing during busy summer months. The CBSA is working to mitigate long border wait times, but there are things that relocating employees can do to make the process easier for themselves and their families.
Key Tips for all relocating employees:
· How to properly declare your household goods and how to expedite the process by completing a B4 in advance.
· How to set up clearance date at the Canada Customs office nearest your destination address, household goods and personal effects to not clear customs at the border.
· By Canadian law, you (the shipper) must personally be present for your appointment with the CBSA Officer to clear your shipment with all proper documentation in order. Some of these may include Cargo Control Document, an Inventory List, original B4/or B15 Form, Proof of Residency, Passports, Work Permits, and Copy of your Purchase Agreement.
· Be aware of notable prohibited and restricted items such as but not limited to firearms, explosive fireworks, used/secondhand mattresses, fruit plant and animal products. Health products should be carried on their person.
· Follow personal exemptions limits transporting alcohol and tobacco.
· Be aware of Covid-19 border crossing restrictions, you must follow CBSA requirements.
For a complete review of requirements of the CBSA when moving from the U.S. to Canada and to learn more information on the quality services we offer visit us at, or contact us by phone (877-373-0691) or email ([email protected]) for more information.