PNP’s Direct Hire Search specializes in filling the CORE senior-level and mid-level management and support positions that are vital to running an effective organization. These positions include development staff, finance staff, event planners, HR staff, IT staff, program managers, executive assistants, and many others.
PNP’s diverse Recruitment Team spreads a wide net into the sector that includes non-traditional recruitment strategies and ensures a diverse slate of candidates for every search.
In addition, you can choose the best method of payment for your organization. A guarantee is part of the service regardless of how you pay.
Contingency Fee: PNP’s success fee is paid when you hire a PNP candidate to fill a position.
Retained Fee: Generally best when you need a customized search to fill an executive position.
With the high cost of lengthy vacancies, we understand, more than ever, how critical it is to identify and reach the skilled professionals your organization needs to serve your constituents.
Since 1996, PNP has filled numerous core positions in organizations across the country. Our record of success is outstanding and 80% of our searches are referred to us by our clients.
Ask us about PNP’s SPEED TO MARKET DIRECT HIRE for even more significant cost savings.
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