Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to be conscious of and control emotions and relationships. It is a critical component of both personal and professional performance. An individual's EQ, or ability to communicate with others and control their own and others' emotions, will decide their level of success in life.
There is no one-size-fits-all definition of emotional intelligence; nonetheless, a few fundamental elements must be included in any working definition to be effective. These include self-awareness, empathy, self-regulation, motivation, and social skills, amongst other things. When we consider the truly exceptional individuals who motivate and make a big difference, we can see that they do so by establishing personal and emotional connections with others. Their EQ emotional intelligence was what set them apart, not their IQ.
This training will guide participants through the various aspects of emotional intelligence and how they may use them in their daily lives. They'll also look at ways to increase their emotional intelligence (EQ) and put that intelligence to work for them to attain their objectives.
Learning Objectives
• Gain an understanding of what the concept of emotional intelligence entails.
• Get a handle on how to apply emotional intelligence in the workplace effectively.
• Gain the ability to recognize and control your own emotions.
• Understand the difference between being optimistic and being pessimistic.
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