LEAPCare - Employee Support

Available from LEAPCare

Product Details

LEAPCare - Employee Support (Click to enlarge image) We know life moves at its own pace. When your employees are struggling in their personal lives, it can impact their ability to perform job duties. LEAPCare enables you to give your employees confidential, permission-based support options, whenever and wherever help is needed.

LEAPCare provides your employees and organization with:

A wellness benefit that ‘fills in the gap’ and goes beyond the physical needs of healthcare to help the whole person
An answer to the current confusion of “I know I need to take care of my employees, but I just don’t know how to, or feel equipped to do it well”
An honest, thoughtful response to the pandemic’s impact on the mental, emotional and spiritual health of employees, manifested in skyrocketing cases of anxiety, depression, suicide ideation and more!

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