GROW Digital™

Available from Performance Consultants

Product Details

GROW Digital™ (Click to enlarge image) Dynamic digital learning for organizations to bring the GROW model into their workspace.

The GROW Digital™ curriculum has been curated with organizations in mind. Teams, departments and even whole organizations are welcome to immerse themselves into our leadership coaching ecosystem; anytime, anywhere.

Performance Consultants hold the honor of introducing organizations worldwide to the culture-shaping ‘coaching approach’ via our pivotal ‘GROW model’.

We’ve reimagined GROW core teachings for self-paced digital learning so teams can experience breakthrough coaching methodologies tailored entirely to their own schedule.

GROW Digital™ has been masterfully curated to bring organizations the best of our in-house leadership coaching expertise.

It’s ‘Action Learning’ based. Sitting concisely at 12 modules across 6 months, we don’t drown organizations with technical jargon and theory; instead, we engage them with empowering, actionable lessons that they can apply to their workspace and lifestyle starting day one.

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