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Pearl Logic does not sell any healthcare products or services. We are an impartial, independent, vendor-neutral, objective, strategic Business Consulting Firm that shows Employer Groups how to reduce Employee Healthcare costs. Our fiduciary responsibility is to the Employer Group.
Employer Groups can gain access to higher quality care, with better Plan Member outcomes, while reducing costs by an average of $100 - $300+ per employee per month (PEPM), in year 1, with greater savings in years 2 through 5 & beyond.
Our team forensically analyzes & collaboratively assembles those cost containment strategies targeting the primary cost drivers within an Employer Group’s Plan Member population.
Higher Quality Healthcare – With access to over 5000 solutions providers & medical clinicians Pearl Logic can provide information, choice, guidance, and assistance to the best care options for your members.
Compliance – At Pearl Logic we are ERISA and HIPAA compliant. Our State Consulting licenses are registered as ‘Unaffiliated’ & are NOT associated with any Carrier or Benefits Provider, ensuring complete independence & ERISA compliance.
Performance Payment – Pearl Logic provides a no-cost, no obligation, objective analysis showing how much an Employer Group is overspending. We operate on performance-based terms, assuming all financial risk to demonstrate true cost reduction & improved healthcare quality.
Schedule your no-obligation executive-level consultation at 954-829-7389.
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