International Searches

Available from Data Screening

Product Details

International Criminal Searches are searches done outside the United States. DataScreening can perform a criminal background search in most countries through the world. A list of countries is available upon request. Turnaround depends on the country.

Direct verification of previous employment claimed outside the United States. DataScreening can perform an employment verification in most countries throughout the world. Verification of dates of employment, job title, overall performance, attendance, reason for departure, re-hire status, current salary, and other general comments. Custom questions can also be added for DataScreening to ask the previous employer. Turnaround depends on the country.

A direct verification of previous or current education outside the United States. DataScreening can perform an Education Verification in most countries throughout the world. Education Verification reports the dates of attendance, diploma or degree earned for the highest level attended. Turnaround depends on country.

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