The Values Style Report helps us understand our internal value system which we use daily to make judgments about tasks, relationships, issues, events, and goals.
This profile focuses on one’s values style and internal motivators.
Understand what internally motivates you and guides you in your decision making.
Value styles are: Personal Freedom, Loyalty, Justice and Equality.
Use the Values Style Profile to help you:
Discover a person’s underlying motivators
Assess a person’s willingness to change
Understand how traditions affect a marriage
Make quality “people” decisions when hiring
Understand your child’s need for personal freedom
Assess the level of a person’s involvement
Place staff in positions they will enjoy
Understand how a need for equality affects communication
Just as there are two sides to an iceberg (a visible side and a hidden side) so are there two sides to our personality. One is our needs-driven motivation which the DISC Personality System measures. The second is our values-driven motivation which is the focus of the Values Profile.
The difference between your personality and values is that personality has been formed over your life’s experiences. Personality may change over time or be modified to meet a particular environment. Values are different. We have aptly added to the Values Profile the subtitle of “Your Invisible Motivators.” Values are ingrained; they run deep in a person’s being.
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