Workplace Assessments

Available from The AR Group, LLC

Product Details

Workplace Assessments (Click to enlarge image) In addition to workplace investigative services, AR Group Consultants and HR Professionals utilize a variety of tools and strategies to provide assessment services that enable management to gain more transparent insight into the ongoing operations, dynamics, and influences within a work group or organization.

Cultural/Climate Assessments
An effective climate assessment will provide leadership insight into the views, attitudes and sentiments of those who work in the organization, and thereby enable management to further enhance, align, and/or modify existing policies, practices, and procedures to ensure messaging promotes organizational objectives.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Assessments
It is axiomatic that a company’s success is determined by its people. Creating a culture where everyone feels welcome is only the beginning, working toward establishing a true sense of belonging for all is the goal.

Organizational Assessments
Through utilization of a systemic process, data is collected and analyzed to identify factors that impact organizational performance so that areas of strength as well as opportunity may be identified.

Customized Surveys, Employee Interviews, and DiSC
Utilizing customizable tools, we guide clients through the tough challenges inherent in today’s rapidly changing workplace.

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