TalentSorter is software that puts ease and accuracy into your hiring & recruitment decisions. Before you even review an applicant’s resume, unique data points and AI behind the TalentSorter questionnaire (completed by candidates during the application process) can gauge which candidates should be considered first, based on these key determinates for greater success in the role: behavioral traits, attitude and critical thinking/reasoning. If these soft-skills don’t fit with what’s required for the role, or don’t fit with your company’s standards, then no amount of experience on someone’s resume will make up for that!
Employers and recruiters who use this cutting-edge technology are able to streamline and improve how they filter applicants, giving them more speed and accuracy throughout the hiring process, recognizing the ‘top performers’ in the pack, and raising hiring standards. As a result, turnover is reduced, training outcomes improve and company growth increases. TalentSorter is a secure, cloud-based platform that can be used with our fully-functional ATS or easily integrated with your own existing system.
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