Having great employees is definitely good for your business, but having great managers is perhaps even more vital. While employees certainly make a difference in how your teams and company run, managers have an intense, daily impact on the work, engagement, and motivation of their entire team.
That’s why managers are one of the most important factors in how satisfying and engaging (or dissatisfying and enraging!) employees find their jobs.
You’ve probably felt this impact in your own career—a terrific manager can inspire you to do your best work and explore exciting opportunities, while a bad one can make the workday an uphill battle.
So what characteristics and actions separate mediocre managers from their exceptional peers? There are many things—large and small—that make a difference. But here are suggestions for five of the most powerful characteristics that make a good manager—thereby creating an even stronger organization.
Read the full article to learn the top qualities of a good manager: What Makes a Good Manager? 5 Key Qualities.