Living a purposed life begins with creating a personal Strategic Life Plan. A Strategic Life Plan is like a business plan for life. It is the guide that is used to fulfill one’s purpose, see one’s vision come to fruition and accomplish life goals. It is a dynamic document and one that should be reviewed frequently.
Developing a Strategic Life Plan may take hours, days, weeks and for some years to complete, however, it is our hope that our system will be a guide in the right direction and enable individuals to complete their Strategic Life Plan sooner rather than later.
This workshop invites participants to engage in discovering their personality so that they can better understand their strengths, weakness and best practices of working with others to achieve their goals. Based on the participants’ assessments they will discover what Ingredients they have to work with and how to use those Ingredients to achieve success.
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be taught the Strategic Life Plan System™
2. Participants will be taught how to write a strategic life plan
3. Participants will be taught how to assess themselves in order to determine who they are and where they are in life
4. Participants will be taught the Plan On Purpose™ time management methodology
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