How to Plan on Purpose

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We spend our lives accomplishing one goal after another yet we do not structure our lives to maximize achieving our goals. It only makes sense that we plan our time based on the goals we have to accomplish. This workshop teaches participants how to write effective goals and how to get the most out of a day.

Simply put, individuals will be taught steps for a balanced, prioritized and peaceful life.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will be taught the definition of a goal
2. Participants will learn how to select goals
3. Participants will be taught the Plan On Purpose™ time management methodology
4. Participants will learn how to create an achievable goal
5. Participants will learn how to break a goal into manageable components
6. Participants will learn how to manage their time in such a way that they are achieving their purpose centered goals


1. Strategic Life Plan System™ assessment
2. A list of goals they want to accomplish
3. A completely planned goal

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