Conversations, Feedback, Recogition

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Facilitate continuous coaching, skill development and goal progress

Conversations with managers improves employee performance:
- Goal alignment conversations ensure employees see how their work impacts the business
- Regular goal check-ins keeps progress on track
- Career development conversations keep top talent engaged and retained
- Conversations can be scheduled or ad hoc

Templates guide managers:
- HR provides templates for each kind of conversation
- Customize by department, job level and business objectives
- Conversations can include both free text and quantitative scores
- Confidential Conversations support talent development processes like calibration and talent segmentation

Peer feedback and
social recognition
Peer feedback is essential for performance improvement:
- Ad hoc feedback allows employees to request feedback from anyone at any time
- Scheduled feedback cycles allow managers to incorporate peer feedback into development goal creation
- Allow peers to transparently recognize team members for a job well done

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