Tax, Expense Management & Reporting

Available from Weichert Workforce Mobility

Product Details

Tax, Expense Management & Reporting (Click to enlarge image) We are the only mobility company with a wholly-owned tax services subsidiary. Staffed with Big Four veterans, we provide expert domestic and global tax services at a significantly lower cost.

Our solutions include:
- Global Payroll
- Cost-of-living Analyses
- Lump Sum Administration
- Expense Audit & Disbursement
- Gross-up Processing
- Coordination of Payroll & Tax Services
- Management Reporting
- Vendor Invoice Audit & Payments
- Hypothetical Tax Calculation
- Tax & Compensation Counseling
- Tax Equalization Tracking & Payments
- Year-end Compensation Breakdown
- Compensation Worksheet Maintenance
- Budget Accruals
- Payroll Training Support
- Host Country Compensation Reporting
- Tax Preparation & Compliance
- Shadow Payroll Reporting
-Full Cost Estimations (Domestic and Global)

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