Whether you are a sales veteran looking to reignite your passion or a newcomer to the field, our interactive, hands-on sales presentation skills training offers an easy-to-apply sales formula that can instantly adapt to any industry, product, or service. Our day-long training program will provide the tools necessary to become a professional seller and take your overall success and profits to the next level. This interactive course will give you instant constructive feedback and help fast-track your new sales presentation skills into more sales. You will learn how to incorporate the skills you need to improve your presentations, speak with greater confidence, improve client relationships, and close more profitable sales, which leads to getting the deserved recognition from your employer and peers.
Subjects covered:
Communications Skills
Sales Strategy
Sales Management
Relationship Building
Closing the sale
Customer Retention
and more. . .
Training Structure:
- Two 3-hour sessions or
- Three 2-hour sessions
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