Be the Executive Your Team Needs (and wants!)
Executive Coaching for a High Performance Team
I’ve been there… in your shoes as an executive. I pulled all-nighters to get promoted and have the privilege of leading a team. I was given a group of individuals and was now being paid to turn this group of brilliant over-achievers into a lean-mean-fighting-machine.
If you are facing the same challenges as I was, you might be asking:
· How do I influence my team so that they will follow me?
· How do I develop trust?
· How do I hold them accountable?
· How can I get this team to deliver results so that I can get promoted?
· How do I deal with low performers?
· What must I focus on to create commitment from all of my team members?
· How do I inspire, empower, and drive results?
If you are struggling, most likely you are asking these questions.
Unfortunately they are not the right questions to ask! If you are asking these questions, most likely you have “blind spots,” and as long as you are looking in the wrong place, your brilliant over-achievers will as a group, brilliantly UNDER achieve.
Through executive coaching we will work together to ask the right questions, and “spoiler alert,” move your accountability as the leader, to the responsibility of the team.
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