Our experiences are the ultimate relationship building tool to help keep your brand top of mind with your audience. We know how people learn and using psychology, construct an environment that not only adds stickiness to your products, but creates advocates that are evangelical about your brand.
Manufacturing a learning environment comes in many different combinations, but here are our favorite ways to serve:
Videos | Product Demos | Onboarding | Job Aids | Mnemonics | Installations
Curious how to train the masses on your launch?
You’re racing to the finish line to complete your product launch and now you need to create a training environment to help train the trainer. We have experience with it all, in a variety of retailers: creating copy, experiences, games and tools your brand champions need to understand the features and functionality. Our ideas can become your reality.
Have a training team but need additional support?
Sometimes there are too many things to accomplish and not enough team members or time. For these instances, think of us as an extension of your already productive training team. We can do the things your team can’t get to- so you can bask in the glory of meeting the deadline. Your ideas can become our next achievement together.
“Thank you for a fantastic weekend! Your input and direction leading up to Empower…and your involvement on site were instrumental to our success! Our Field love you!”
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