Snaphunt’s simple and intuitive interface enables you to manage your talent acquisition process with ease. Let our recruiting automations take care of manual tasks and accelerate every step of your hiring process from job creation, to sourcing, screening, interviewing, and offer management.
Generate your custom job descriptions on Snaphunt with just a few clicks by defining the details of your ideal applicant profile and sit back as our AI targets the widest pool of candidates to continuously bring you applicants that are a skill and culture fit. Each application comes with a match score and detailed insights into the applicant’s experience, skills, psychometric assessment, salary, notice period etc., so you have all the information you need to shortlist effectively.
Build by recruiters, Snaphunt equips you with cutting-edge recruiting technology on an easy-to-use and comprehensive platform. Benefit from end-to-end hiring automations including automated job descriptions, video interviews, suggested interview questions, 1-click response management, AI reference checking, seamless collaboration and more, while delivering an outstanding candidate experience, to spot the right hire more easily so you can make better hiring decisions - in a snap!
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