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Are you so busy putting out fires that you can’t get to the important things you were hired to do? Do you have the time to give your employees the training or coaching they need? Is your handbook outdated? Are you buried under a stack of resumes, job descriptions, and company policies? Do you need someone impartial to conduct an exit interview, a disciplinary discussion, or an internal investigation? Could you use an expert to help you figure out your organization’s compensation structure and pay practices? We receive requests like this on a daily basis and we’re here to help! Our extensive network is always ready to help you solve your current workplace challenges. We want to help you create a better workplace. Just provide us with a description of your project and we’ll provide you with the names and contact information of at least three top-notch professionals who can do the job you need at a price you can afford. Our goal is simple - to introduce good people to good people. Utilizing our vast network, we save you tons of time and make getting the work accomplished much easier. Best of all, our matchmaking service is FREE for employers!