Affordable and efficient Form I-9 Compliance.

Available from i9Everywhere - a PointHR company

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Affordable and efficient Form I-9 Compliance. (Click to enlarge image) I-9 compliance doesn't have to be a maze of complexities. Let our specialized technology lead the way.

The message to employers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement couldn’t be clearer: Get Your i-9’s Right or Pay the Price. And it’s not a polite request—it’s a law with teeth.

ICE audits are still on the Rise

In 2011, ICE conducted 2,500 I-9 audits, launched 3,300 worksite enforcement cases, arrested 220 employers on criminal charges and issued $10.4 million in fines.

ICE data cited by the New York Times at the end of 2012, indicated there were over 3,000 I-9 audits initiated by ICE in 2012 (compared to 250 in 2007), and $13 million in I-9 audit-related penalties and fines in 2012 (versus $1 million in 2009).

According to the Wall Street Journal, over 10,000 employers have been audited for I-9s and over $100 million in fines have been levied just over the past four years.

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