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At Storeyline we can help you assist transitioning employees with our customized, high-quality outplacement services. We help companies of all sizes and offering these services can equate to a more positive outcome for both your company and the exiting employee.
In our 24+ years in business, we've successfully delivered over 300,000 resume packages globally, earning recognition as the #1 most searched resume-writing company on LinkedIn.
Our mission is simple: empower individuals in their career journey by creating a unique 'brand' that helps them to stand out among the competition. Through our personalized interview process to the development of the resume that tells their amazing story, we create narratives that allow hiring managers to see the true value, achievement and impact they bring to an employer. We also offer general career coaching and interview prep coaching.
Give us a call at 724-832-8845 ext 830 or schedule a time to speak to through the link below. We will discuss scalable, affordable options! Please note: all information is kept confidential.
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