Drug Testing

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Drug testing and screening can ensure that the workplace is safe. However, it can do much more than that. It can also help make the workplace efficient by ensuring that your employees are on time, alert, and healthy. In addition, drug testing can save you money on your worker's compensation insurance.

ReliaLab has a variety of drug testing and drug screening methods, and we have a lab network that spans the United States. This means you can use our services at a wide variety of locations to make your workplace drug free and compliant with your drug testing policy. All labs are certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Educate yourself about the kinds of tests that are available so you can make in informed choice. We know testing inside and out, and you might be surprised at what is available. We have a lot of experience in helping business owners and managers get control of drug use in the workplace. It is a simple matter of forming a partnership with ReliaLab so that you have a handy resource to attack the problem of drugs and alcohol at work.

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