CMS iRecruit has been named to CIO Review magazine’s 20 Most Promising Sage Solution Providers in their January 2015 issue.The magazine looked at the vendor’s capability to fulfill the burning need for cost-effective and flexible solutions for Sage. A distinguished panel comprised of CEOs, CIOs, CMOs, VCs, analysts and the CIO Review editorial board selected the top players from over three hundred firms working in close collaboration with Sage.
The 20 Most Promising companies demonstrated an ability to develop innovative technologies, methodologies, and outstanding customer service, while helping CIOs realign their IT strategy directly with that of business.Cost Management Services founder Brian Kelly was interviewed, “Our products offer seamless solutions. It’s an applicant tracking system (iRecruit) that comes with social media integration, reporting and all electronic onboarding without any add-on’s to purchase.”
CMS has been a Sage partner since 1997, and Kelly tells the magazine that he “Laid the cornerstone of his company with only one vision—to supply better employment management solutions for mid-markets using supreme technology tools.”iRecruit, a cloud-based recruiting, applicant tracking and onboarding software offers Sage HRMS customers a way to streamline and improve their overall recruiting capabilities while also going paperless with onboarding new hires. At the same time, iRecruit also offers integration with Work Opportunity Tax Credits, which offers customers a way to save on new hires.
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