Atlas - Another Reason Why You Shouldn't Use Fidelity for Your 401(k) Plan

Publisher: Atlas 401(k) Retirement Solutions

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Atlas - Another Reason Why You Shouldn't Use Fidelity for Your 401(k) Plan

Reuters Article – “Special Report: Fidelity puts 6 million savers on risky path to retirement”. This article is commenting based upon the following article by Reuters on March 5th, 2018. This doesn’t surprise our firm, nor should it surprise most of the Plan Sponsors out there, especially the ones using Fidelity. Read the article above from Reuters. This should scare you and we’re confident there will probably be a class action suit very soon (as there usually is when true facts surface). Those of you who know us and our Best-of-Breed product and service offerings, you know our feelings on Target-Date Funds (TDFs) and using Mutual Funds, especially those that are fund of funds under the same investment house (meaning a “Closed-Architecture” where you can only choose assets from one investment company). The Reuters article does a terrific job at analyzing some of their funds and essentially how it is “leaking” in fees and performance.