People who are in a sales management position, wanting to learn how to get the best from their sales team.
The right sales team behavior profile for your business.
Why some people sell and others do not.
The role of emotional intelligence in managing a sales team to perform.
The use of benchmarking on sales profiles to hire the right people for the job.
The need to change manager’s behavior to become an effective sales manager.
How to achieve a high level of self-awareness, increase sales team awareness and how to manage them to success.
The profile vs. performance concept that helps to build your team.
Empathy and how to exercise it effectively in managing your sales team.
The core aspects of sales management, such as strategy, actions, and sales results.
How to address the sales team with the best approach and communication.
How to develop a positive and constructive corporate culture, inspiring the appropriate behavior in your sales team, which will help them to achieve the goals.
Maintain an atmosphere of success celebration, to retain a highly motivated sales team.
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