Background Checks & Screening

Available from Foley

Product Details

Most background check companies only look at a candidate’s past. At Foley, we screen present and future behaviors too—to paint a more complete candidate picture, and mitigate the risk associated with hiring them.

This is where “traditional” background checks look. These screens reveal personal, professional and criminal histories—validating claims, verifying experience, and giving you a first glimpse at any apparent risk associated with the hiring decision. ‘Past’ screens include:
-SSN Verification
-Criminal Records Checks
-Employment Verification
-Education Verification
-Credit Checks

This category of solutions gives you a current-state snapshot of a candidate: who they are, where they work, and their behavior - today. Since they’re so timely, they can reveal behavioral insights that candidates can otherwise cover up in the long-term (e.g., substance use). ‘Present’ solutions include:
-Social media screening
-Web screening
-Pre-employment drug testing
-Professional References

This is the least-looked at, and highest risk, part of the spectrum—and it’s our specialty. ‘Future’ screens involve ongoing employee monitoring (or re-screening) services to help you mitigate risk, measure productivity and monitor employee behavior post-hire. Here are a few you shouldn’t screen without:
-Criminal monitoring and re-screening
-Motor vehicle monitoring
-Social media monitoring
-Random drug testing

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