The cost of turnover ranges from $2-5K just for entry-level positions, depending on the level of complexity. Successful employee retention strategies go beyond engagement to earn the active loyalty of your team – a key driver of retention. Active loyalty occurs when employees voluntarily act on behalf of the organization: passing up other more convenient or higher-paying employment, proactively acting on ways to drive results or delight a customer, and acting to support the success of fellow employees. This is achieved by intentionally building and executing a recipe for retention and providing opportunities for growth and development.
We help you identify the knobs you can turn within your day-to-day business operations to build loyalty and commitment across your teams, and attack obstacles getting in the way of success. We do this by linking key drivers of engagement like clear direction from leadership, support and recognition, and opportunities for growth to outcomes including intentions to stay and perform. Once equipped with a complete understanding of the employee experience – broken out by job groups and positions, we work with you to develop detailed, realistic, and embraced action plans for earning retention.
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