What is it?
Strategy Summit® is a fully customized, in-depth strategic planning engagement. Each phase is designed and facilitated by the Focused Momentum® core team providing full access to all the Focused Momentum’s planning tools, techniques, and experience. This program unites all stakeholders to create a common vision for the future and define a comprehensive strategic direction to achieve success.
How does it work?
We co-design the best possible strategic planning process to address your specific planning needs. This includes a complete Strategic Assessment (inclusive of stakeholder engagement, market analysis, and evaluation of current business model performance), a 3-day Strategy Creation session (up to 40 participants), a 2-3 month Strategy Development process culminating with a 2-day Strategy Integration session.
What we deliver.
A new Strategic Plan to guide decision-making and detailed planning. A shared long-range Vision of Success. Clear Core Strategies to evolve your business model and Strategic Milestones that mark the evolution you will make over time. Finally, a 12-18 month implementation plan to align action to goals of the first strategic milestone. All documented using Focused Momentum® templates.
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