The Ridge Ohio

25 Whitney Drive, Suite 120
Milford, OH 45150

About The Ridge Ohio

The Ridge Ohio is a premier residential treatment center for drug and alcohol addiction. With only 16 beds, patients receive truly personalized treatment plans. The Ridge program takes an evidence-based, holistic approach to treatment. Family programming is provided twice weekly at no additional cost. Following a residential stay, The Ridge offers 52 weeks of aftercare to help patients achieve success in long term recovery. The Ridge Ohio also offers a specialized Professional track for licensed healthcare professionals, lawyers, and executives.

Competitors of The Ridge Ohio

The Salvation Army ARCC

The Salvation Army ARCC

The Salvation Army operates the largest and most successful network of Adult Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs) in the nation. For over 100 years, The Salvation Army has provided spiritual, emotional, and social assistance to individuals who have struggled to cope with life's challenges. The... Read More

The Bobby Dodd Institute illuminates possibilities in disabilities, specializing in comprehensive support programs for adults and adolescents with Mental Health, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. They strive to navigate, ally, advocate, and partner with... Read More

Easter Seals Inc.

East Seals Inc. Read More