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Our Resilience Training Equips You With Greater Capacity To Tackle Any Business Challenge.
Most successful businesses have plans in place to weather storms, such as the recent coronavirus pandemic. They don’t want to lose revenue due to unexpected challenges. So, they have a business continuity plan in place. Maybe they call it DP (Disaster Preparedness) or have other internal acronyms for the procedures they’ll follow if challenges arise.
Alongside business continuity planning, resilient leadership on a personal, professional level is what ensures companies of any size, in any sector, can beat the unexpected challenges they face. Increased resilience in the workplace is correlated with higher job satisfaction.
So, it makes sense that leadership and team resilience leads to organizational resilience.
Resilience is comprised of many factors, including:
At Work Smart, we know that almost all professionals are working under tight deadlines with looming pressure, even when not in the midst of a crisis. One metaphor to use, maybe, is that the right type of pressure turns coal into diamonds.
The pressure that motivates us to do our best without stress and is carefully controlled and calibrated is very different from the pressure that crushes our spirits and causes difficulties.
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