Quickly change your relationship to alcohol with our at-home program. On average, our members reduce their BAC levels by 75% within 12 months.
Ria Health provides effective alcohol addiction treatment, to help people reduce or stop drinking alcohol. Our expert medical and coaching teams get you started, and stick with you through every step of the program. Consult with them through our mobile app, 24/7.
Many people delay getting help for problem drinking: They fear being stigmatized, disruption of their life, and ruinous costs. That’s why we designed our revolutionary new program to work through a simple mobile app. It’s private, convenient, and affordable. Don’t wait until alcohol hurts your health, career, and relationships. Start now.
Set your own personal goal, and we’ll help you achieve it. Some want to cut back to moderate drinking, while others want to quit altogether. Whatever your goal, we have hundreds of members just like you, who now drink a fraction of what they used to after joining our program.
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