Certified Caregiving Mentor

Available from The Caregiving Years Training Academy
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As a Certified Caregiving Mentor, you support colleagues in caregiving and after-caregiving situations.

You can help colleagues by suggesting resources and benefits which can help. Because you understand your organization's culture, industry and busy season, you can offer unique insights to support your caregiving colleagues.

The Caregiving Mentor training program includes:

--10 hours of Caregiving Master Classes
You'll be prepared to hear what your fellow family caregivers share

--2 hours of live training which will cover:
Your role: Setting expectations and boundaries
Overcoming challenges
Resources and referrals
Mentor session practice
Practice Sessions
Participants must hold 5, 30-minute practice sessions.You receive instructions on how to hold these practice sessions during our live training.

--A private group for and regular meetings with fellow Caregiving Mentors to connect, share and support.
--A free listing in our Mentor section in our Solutions Marketplace on CaringOurWay.com.

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