Job description creation is time consuming and requires a lot of research. Managers and employers struggle to find the time to do this task properly. And, of course, when this item pops up on the “to do” list the boss wants it done PDQ! (Pretty Darn Quick) So, what’s a manager to do?
Well, you could struggle to keep up with all of the other duties – you struggle to keep up with – while pouring over pages and pages of research necessary to build a comprehensive set of job descriptions for each position in your company.
You can get some help. You can get an easy to follow guide and samples of detailed job description data that will assist you in creating employment law compliant descriptions.
“1000+ Job Description Samples” removes the struggle to complete this compliance-related task by providing 7-9 pages of detail on each of the 1000+ most common jobs in the U.S. Plus, we provide an easy to follow template to guide your process.
“But, Job Descriptions Aren’t Really Required by Law, Right?”
This is the number one excuse managers use when talking themselves out of creating solid descriptions for every position in the organization.
As a former auditor, I can tell you one very important fact: You cannot prove your intentions. Like the saying goes, “Documentation Beats all Conversation!”
Employers can only prove what they have documented when defending their actions and decision making processes during employment law compliance audits. Some of the most critical audit areas include, but are not limited to:
In “1000+ Job Description Samples” you will save time and energy when you use the detailed building blocks necessary to create compliant job descriptions for every position in your organization. Categories we cover include:
Go from Worrier to Warrior .
Save time and money.
Be ready to prove your employment law compliance.
Breathe in the satisfaction of checking a major task off of your list.
Check out our FEBRUARY SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL and Get “1000+ Job Description Samples” TODAY!
Until Next Time, Be Audit-Secure!
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith is CEO of Andere Seminars, LLC and Chief Content Developer at Follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn, listen to her Small Business Spoonfuls Podcast, and find more from her in Audit-Secure Authority at