Performance Management

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- Define corporate-level goals that cascade down to team and individual team members.
- Configurable workflows make it simple to automate the performance review cycle to match your established processes.
- Lauch Performance Reviews in bulk using templates by organization-, department-, location- or job-specific with specific criteria for evaluation and your choice of thumbsup-thumbs-down, numerical or weighted scale ratings.
- Send review requests to external collaborators with ease, all from within BizMerlinHR!
- Create alerts, (set frequency of choice) and reminders to keep track of progress on reviews and goals, and real-time monitoring enables managers and HR professionals to track status at any time for more timely employee reviews.
- With real-time goal tracking via the dashboard, managers are able to have tactical and startegic communications with team members and provide ongoing performance reviews for improved engagement, development, and succession planning.

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