TPSU Retirement Committee Education

Available from The Plan Sponsor University

Product Details

TPSU Retirement Committee Education (Click to enlarge image) The demand for education by 401(k) and 403(b) plan sponsors is growing exponentially — accelerated by concerns about fiduciary liability, growing DOL and IRS scrutiny, the rash of lawsuits, and retirement readiness. The Plan Sponsor University (TPSU) has conducted over 600 half-day education programs since May 2013 with over 10,000 individuals involved with managing their DC Plans.

While HR and finance professionals regularly attend TPSU programs, very few plan sponsors are able to send their entire retirement committee. Most committee members have little to no experience or training even though they have personal liability over decisions they make. Virtual training sessions are scheduled to meet the busy schedule of you and your Committee members.

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