Retirement Plan Advisor Due Diligence

Available from The Plan Sponsor University

Product Details

Retirement Plan Advisor Due Diligence (Click to enlarge image) The RPADD (Retirement Plan Advisor Due Diligence) service is designed to assist plan sponsors in making one of their most critical decisions: selecting the right retirement plan advisor. Under ERISA regulations, 401(k) and 403(b) plan sponsors are required to conduct documented due diligence on all service providers, including retirement plan advisors (RPAs). RPADD helps ensure that your RPA is both qualified and well-suited to your organization's needs while meeting ERISA’s documented due diligence requirements.

Here’s why conducting advisor due diligence is essential:

Litigation risks have increased significantly.
Fiduciary insurance premiums are on the rise.
Advisor fees have decreased by 50% over the past decade.

While plan advisors typically conduct due diligence on investments and recordkeeping, they cannot independently review their own services due to potential conflicts of interest. That’s where TPSU (The Plan Sponsor University) comes in. TPSU offers unbiased, independent due diligence as a trusted source not affiliated with any service provider or advisory firm. Since 2013, TPSU has educated over 10,000 plan sponsors, while its affiliate, The Retirement Advisor University (TRAU), has trained over 2,000 RPAs, ensuring comprehensive knowledge and experience in retirement plan management.

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