Don't Waste Your Training Dollars: Get the Most Out of Your Learning & Development Programs

Publisher: Keystone Partners

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Don't Waste Your Training Dollars: Get the Most Out of Your Learning & Development Programs

When asked what they remember from their last training class most employees draw a blank. At best, they might recall a point or two, a mere fraction of the material covered. And when asked whether they have applied what they learned, the answer is invariably “no.” Employees relish opportunities to learn and grow professionally, and companies rely on future managers and leaders to be ready for the challenges associated with executing at the next level of leadership. With these defining moments comes the expectation that not only will leaders learn new competencies, but, more importantly, that they will change their behaviors in ways that boost individual and company performance. Yet, traditional training methods are not designed to ensure retention of learned material, nor do they facilitate behavioral change, despite the heavy monetary investment.