
14708 SW 108th Terr
Miami, FL 33196

About HRStrategist

Is your career managing you or are you managing your career?  It’s time to put you back in the driver seat!  As agents and partners, we manage the careers of executives through a process that we have honed over the past decade. This process was developed out of a deep belief that executive careers, like products, services and companies, need to be managed by a team of objective observers with an expertise in executive branding and "distribution".  After careful vetting, we partner with you to design a plan to achieve your long term goals.  We will also be actively involved in your career management plan by identifying and obtaining the resources you need to move forward.  While you work on your business, we work on you. We are also established Leadership Coaches and facilitate strategic off-sites.

Competitors of HRStrategist

VelvetJobs Affordable Outplacement Services

VelvetJobs Affordable Outplacement Services

VelvetJobs is the leading innovator in career transition and outplacement. Top employers in a variety of industries trust VelvetJobs to transition talent, recruit talent and manage their employer brand. Millions of professionals have used VelvetJobs that offers career tools and services,... Read More



INTOO is the compassionate response to layoffs. Knowing that the most crucial component to career transition is personalized, one-on-one career coaching, we connect candidates with professional coaches faster than any other provider to accelerate that next step in your employees’ careers. Our... Read More

Cura HR

Cura HR

Cura HR is redefining the role of human resources in shaping vibrant businesses. We’re success enablers that take a modern, inclusive and thoughtful approach to HR. Through company immersion and our decades of experience, we swiftly build business acumen for each of our clients. This enables us... Read More