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We take a holistic approach to workplace well-being, focusing on physical, mental, financial, and social pillars of wellness. CGO will work with you to develop a personalized wellness program that will drive retention and employee engagement, more productivity, and positive health outcomes that will lead to lower healthcare costs.
Employee Wellness Services:
Strategic consulting
Employee wellness program evaluation (medical carrier, logistics, cultural factors, cost considerations)
Wellness program design
Review medical plan design and contribution modeling to develop incentive structure
Implementation and management of program
Coordination of wellness vendors
Wellness platforms
Employee education
Nutrition counseling
Wellness surveys
Wellness challenges
Wearable devices
Bio-metric screening
Annual aggregate report of screening findings with actionable next steps and resources
Tobacco cessation
Flu shots
Carrier wellness value adds
Health seminars
Health coaching
Health fairs
Wellness committees
Wellness newsletters and content
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
Manage RFP process of 140 vendors
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