Wellness Program Design

Available from Connor & Gallagher OneSource (CGO)

Product Details

Wellness Program Design (Click to enlarge image) We take a holistic approach to workplace well-being, focusing on physical, mental, financial, and social pillars of wellness. CGO will work with you to develop a personalized wellness program that will drive retention and employee engagement, more productivity, and positive health outcomes that will lead to lower healthcare costs.
Employee Wellness Services:
 Strategic consulting
 Employee wellness program evaluation (medical carrier, logistics, cultural factors, cost considerations)
 Wellness program design
 Review medical plan design and contribution modeling to develop incentive structure
 Implementation and management of program
 Coordination of wellness vendors
 Wellness platforms
 Employee education
 Incentives
 Nutrition counseling
 Wellness surveys
 Wellness challenges
 Wearable devices
 Compliance
 Bio-metric screening
 Annual aggregate report of screening findings with actionable next steps and resources
 Tobacco cessation
 Flu shots
 Carrier wellness value adds
 Health seminars
 Health coaching
 Health fairs
 Wellness committees
 Wellness newsletters and content
 Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
 Manage RFP process of 140 vendors
 Benchmarking

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