Human Investment People Governance℠

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Corporate Governance is typically thought of as compliance with governmental laws and regulations, such as the EEOC and Sarbanes Oxley. As a result, management teams often consider it a Cost of Doing Business. It can also be a Profit generator, a Competitive Advantage, a Cost Avoidance, and even a Contributing Factor for Company Survival.

How much cash and profit can companies generate by:
. Integrating Risk Management at all levels, including Employee Alignment and Engagement?
. Reducing the Risk of Non-Compliance, Information Security, and Fraud?
. Spending Less on Insurance?

The HIA People Governance Model™ adds new dimensions for companies to save money, lower risk, and increase company sustainability. If your technology platforms do not include robust digital technology, some solutions may require additional technology.

Examples include enterprise structured and unstructured reporting capability, new metrics and dashboards, people and financial data, and enterprise multi-level trend analysis and audit capability.

HIA Invites qualified Advisory and Consulting Companies to become HIA trained and certified to offer HIA solutions to their clients.

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